Member Handbook

    1. As long as Sol Armada is visible on your RSI profile, your actions within Star Citizen and its communities can reflect on the org as a whole.

    2. What you do with your alt account(s) is none of our business, unless you make it our business.

    We want to maintain a positive, lawful reputation as an organization among both the player base and the in-game reputation systems. If someone witnesses one of our members being an ass in-game, then identifies that member’s Sol Armada membership by looking at their RSI profile, the Sol Armada name becomes associated with that member and their behavior.

    Regarding piracy: we respect, but will not participate in legitimate piracy. “Legitimate Piracy” involves negotiation between the pirates and the pirated. If a pirate requests a toll / fee in order to pass unharmed, we pay the fee if we can. If the pirates then attack anyway, they’ve broken the agreement they set forth. Escalation is not recommended.

    Regarding escalation: you will never truly know how many allies an aggressor may have. We will do our best to secure and protect the assets belonging to our members. This does not mean that we can always send a force to go kill a griefer who killed you. Escalation breeds war, and war is expensive, stressful, and time-consuming. We want to avoid becoming enemies with organizations, especially due to misunderstandings or miscommunication.

  • DURING THE GAME’S ALPHA: We recognize that unlawful PvE missions can be engaging and fun. We will not punish you for participating in unlawful gameplay against NPCs. If you acquire a crimestat, you accept all responsibility for clearing it (or serving your prison time). We do not, as an org, “play red”, and in order to participate in our regular events, you must not have an active Crimestat. We don’t want bounty hunters interfering in our operations.

    Offense-oriented PvP while red (murder-piracy) is not allowed in Sol Armada. If you want to practice PvP, go play Arena Commander Free Flight and practice against the skilled pilots there.

    THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Eventually, a reputation system may exist that tracks the org’s reputation within the UEE. If unlawful gameplay affects the org’s reputation, we may need to implement policies that are more restrictive.

    1. If you find an exploit, report it to CIG via the Issue Council.

    2. If you abuse exploits, you risk an account suspension/ban from CIG. We don’t want to lose you.

    3. Do not teach other members how to perform exploits, unless they are also reporting the exploit to the Issue Council. Aim to make other players’ gameplay experience as genuine and positive as possible. Don’t make other people feel bad for playing the game the way it was meant to be played.

    In Sol Armada, members should expect to experience the game as intended. We value learning the game loops that CIG provides, and grouping up to experience these game loops together. We prioritize fun and cooperation with a “mission-first” mindset, and when members need credits, we help them earn those credits.

    For some players, being rich in-game is a primary motivator to play. If credits are gained in an unorthodox manner, like through exploitation, much of the experience of the game is bypassed, and those who spend hours grinding money legitimately feel cheated and devalued when others brag about getting millions through exploits. This creates two camps of players - one that throws money around without care, and one that will staunchly refuse to play with ill-gotten gains. Arguments strike up, and people start debating the morality of cheating. It’s not a good time.

    Why group up and run Money-Making events at all, when everyone has tens or hundreds of millions of credits? We value the experience of grouping up and learning game mechanics together, finding ways to make our processes efficient.

    If a new player, eager to learn how to make money in the game, finds that all of the intended game loops for earning credits can be skipped by exploiting, they could easily make the decision to do so. What happens when the exploits are patched? They may have now played the game for months, and might not know how to legitimately make credits.

    Sol Armada does not condone exploitation because of these negative effects on other players' gameplay experience. We do not tolerate teaching other members of the org how to exploit the game. If you are caught, we will take reasonable action on you as we see fit.

  • We Play Blue.

    PvE: side with the Civilian Defense Force (CDF) and the UEE.

    PvP: don’t hurt them first.

    We want to build a positive reputation among the Star Citizen player community as a strong, capable, and helpful Armada. We aren’t going to carry out the dirty deeds of the pirate factions in the game, nor are we going to target other organizations or individuals that we could benefit from a working relationship with.


    1. If it’s red, it’s dead, unless red is a friend.

    2. Stay Lawful whenever possible. Crimestats are a pain.

    3. Protect the operation over yourself. Distract the enemy.

    4. Do not intentionally engage in pvp with fellow members without consent, nor aid in disrupting our events.

    5. If an ally acquires a crimestat, help them clear it.

    6. Disabling enemy craft is preferred over killing.

    7. Do not board ships which are crewed and operational unless invited aboard.

    1. Buy low and sell high.

    2. If possible, run from pirates. Do not negotiate or choose to escalate. If they show obvious force and demand a fee, pay it.

    3. Research your routes and monitor the markets for profitable fluctuations in supply and demand.

    4. Protect cargo hauling ships with fighter escorts, even in safe space.

    5. Be generous when selling to org-mates, and market-fair with outside trades.

    6. Be honorable and reasonable when performing trades. This includes, but is not limited to:    a) Asking a fair price on a good to be sold    b) Delivering on promised trades    c) Assisting fellow traders in need or distress

    7. Smuggling illegal cargo is acceptable, unless and until the org’s reputation is affected negatively.

    8. Split profits amongst the entire party involved in a trade. If you have fighter escorts or turret gunners, pay them. If you travel alone, you’ve broken rule 4 and you accept all losses if things go sideways.

    1. Own your Role and Understand Your Responsibilities.

    2. Be On-Time and Ready for Action.

    3. Make it to event locations BEFORE the event starts.

    4. Bring relevant/necessary ships to the event location.

    5. Stay Present and On Task.

  • Read through the Leadership & Event Planning Workshop presentation.

    Have a Plan, and Be Flexible.

    Star Citizen, by nature of the Alpha state of the game, will throw wrenches in your plans. Have a backup plan or be quick to come up with one if things go wrong.

    Know your Crew.

    Put your crew where you know they’ll be most effective. Sometimes, what someone likes to do is different from what they’re good at, and you’ll need to be able to balance out your crew’s positioning to make a happy compromise. Ask first where your crew would like to go during the event, and work from there. (Or, even better, determine positions prior to event start.)

    Lead by Example.

    Maintain a calm demeanor, even if everything’s going wrong.


    Being super serious all the time is no fun. Know when you need to be that person, and when you can be relaxed and let the crew have some fun.

  • You may request in-game funds from the org based on your rank, once per month (up to leadership discretion):

    • Recruit: 500k aUEC limit

    • Member: 1.5 mil aUEC limit

    • Technician: 3 mil aUEC limit

    • Specialist: 5 mil aUEC limit

    Requests for credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The expectation is for an eventual return on investment, as well as increased capability in org events. 

    You may also request help with obtaining any of these particular ships:

    • Drake Cutlass Black + Greycat ROC (Introductory Mining)

    • Drake Vulture (Introductory Salvage)

    • MISC Prospector + Laser (Solo Mining / Scouting)

    • C8R Pisces Rescue (Introductory medical)

    • Anvil Gladiator (PvE Ship Combat - Medium)

    • RSI Scorpius (PvE Ship Combat - Medium)

    • MISC Freelancer MAX + Ursa Rover (Bunker Runs, Cargo, Salvage Support)