Here's the real talk:

Real life comes first. Life always takes priority over gameplay.

Sol Armada is your safe haven.

We’re here to enjoy the game together, and everything else is secondary to this goal. We focus on inclusion, and we don’t tolerate bigots.

Over nearly a decade of existence, we’ve learned a lot of lessons as a community, and we’ll continue to learn and grow over time.

If it isn’t fun, it isn’t fun.

People have different ideas of fun, so we’ll have a diverse set of gameplay opportunities to cover them—as long as we’re not ruining the fun of other Star Citizen players.

We aim to provide a comfortable middle ground between the hardcore mil-sim orgs and the more casual “shenanigans” orgs.

It is an MMO after all, and if you want to really see what makes Star Citizen shine, join us!

What we’re all about

  1. Maintaining a welcoming and safe gaming community environment.

  2. Respecting peoples’ time, not just when playing the game.

  3. Providing experiences in Star Citizen that showcase group gameplay and coordination.

Community First.

Our in-game events are tailored for cooperation at multiple scales. Everyone gets a piece of the action, and no one gets left behind.

We are not a hardcore org; we do not have activity requirements for any level of membership. We want you to want to be here with us for fun, rather than fulfilling an obligation.

Since 2015, Sol Armada has become much more than just a group that games together. From in-person events like CitizenCon, to campfire s’mores at a member’s house, we love to spend time with each other.

Members are supported to the fullest of our capability. We have extra ships, credits, and open crew positions in abundance for you to enjoy the game with us!

Make Friends, and

stacks of credits

Want to earn your way into your very own Constellation Andromeda, or save up for an 890 Jump? We can help you get there. Our money-making events are popular for a reason. After the org bank takes its cut, every participant shares the credits equally. Some have walked away from a single afternoon with a brand new ship worth of credits!

We also have several experts who love imparting their knowledge, so you can learn how to get on your feet in the ‘verse.

Grow with us

Advancement in the org is dead-simple: just play with us! Event participation contributes toward your rank, and our leadership team is built from the most dedicated and experienced members of the org.

We hold monthly “Fireside Chats” where leadership discusses future plans for the org, that are open for all members to listen into and comment on. We want you to know what’s going on, and influence the fate of the future of the org with your voice.

our favorite ship is friendship.

( Yours should be, too )

Our Future Plan

Sol Armada will operate in Star Citizen as a Trade and Security Organization. We are a multilateral cooperative body that intends to run as a robust, economically self-sufficient organization within Star Citizen. We’re fostering an active, stable, and reliable community that you can enjoy playing Star Citizen with in the years to come. Our group events and org operations are designed to build teamwork, earn credits, and facilitate fun in the game.

Sol Armada was founded in 2015. Our membership is strictly non-pirate, and we aim to assist efforts against hostile aliens, pirates, and griefers (those who enjoy ruining others’ fun, and those who hunt newbies or peaceful players). We’re filling our ranks with diverse and passionate players, and you’ll be welcomed no matter your experience level with Star Citizen. Nearly every day, you’ll find members performing rescues, teaching mechanics, and daydreaming about the future of the game together.

The org went through administrative drama in 2015 with the org’s original founder, and we will not repeat his mistakes. The current administration has put in significant work to ensure that the org will hold together in the coming years.

Our plan at launch of the Star Citizen MMO includes the claiming of land areas on planets of interest, then building bases on those land areas using Pioneers. Once planetary bases are established, we’ll have our explorers look for reliable mining locations and set up operations with Orions, Arrastras, MOLEs, Expanses, Galaxies, and Prospectors. These mining operations will fuel our economic engine, providing material and credits for the procurement of ships and equipment for the org. Once we’ve got a solid foundation built, we’ll look at crafting and selling ships to other players.

Our logistics network will require protection, so we plan on maintaining a robust fleet of escort and patrol ships, as well as rescue and medical ships.

Information is power, so we will need explorers and information gatherers out in the far reaches of space in order to locate and identify potential settlement areas, resource locations, trade routes, and new game content to enjoy.

Engineers will be needed for managing ship systems, including repair and replacement of parts.

Our History

Sol Armada was founded in 2015, or 2945 in the Star Citizen timeline. Before we were Sol Armada, we were members of a shoddily-built community created by a numbers-obsessed founder. He recruited tirelessly and indiscriminately. Many incoming recruits balked at the chaos caused by this leader. While there were gradual efforts made to design some sort of structure that could be adhered to, most of those efforts never led anywhere useful. The leader’s vision for the org changed almost weekly. Back then, Star Citizen was not in a play state that we could fully take advantage of as a group, so nearly all we could do was theory-craft about the future of the game and the community.

One day, the leader introduced a new recruit to the community by telling everyone that this new recruit was the new Head of the Security Wing of the org. Cue a reasonable amount of uproar, followed by the leader kicking everyone out who disagreed with his decision, including many of the officers who had helped design the structure of the org. Almost immediately following the mass exile, those who were kicked out formed their own splinter community, which still lives on today as Lagrange Point.

Months passed.

By September of 2015, Lagrange Point had waned in activity to the point that it was considered dormant, and Apollonaut reached out to the old community to find out how things were progressing without the old guard. Unsurprisingly, the leader was still recruiting en-masse, and members expressed concern over the lack of real leadership in the org. Apollonaut gathered a few of the members together, who presented their grievances to the leader. After a series of arguments, the leader stepped down completely from his position and left the community entirely after passing ownership of the org to another officer, who eventually passed it to Apollonaut, who maintains it today.

The community banded together to re-brand the org with the original founder gone. Various members stepped up to assist with efforts to build something better than what had been, and a leadership team was formed. Out of the chaos, Sol Armada found a new identity: new leadership, a new logo, and a freshly invigorated sense of responsibility. An effort to reach out to lost members began in earnest, and many old faces returned to the community as a result.

Among the new leadership team, CrayBacon became an Admiral alongside Apollo, and the duo spent months drafting ideas and documentation assisted by the massive efforts of KooTheGreat and others. Today, the leadership team consists of several trusted Commanders, as well as a set of Lieutenant Officers who assist with events and other clerical duties.

Through eight years of fluctuating activity in Sol Armada, Star Citizen’s gameplay improved to the point that group gameplay is now more than possible. While participating in the new Dynamic Events such as Xenothreat and Siege of Orison, Sol Armada has cemented its position in the wider community as an active and capable crew. Weekly events for mining, salvaging, and capital ship hunting give members the chance to build camaraderie and credits. New officers are brought up the ranks, and the org evolves with the game to support new gameplay as it arrives.

In October of 2023, Sol Armada secureD a booth at CitizenCon in Los Angeles.

CitizenCon was an incredible experience for many of us, meeting friends we’d known for years online, in person for the first time. With over twenty attendees, Sol Armada was one of the most represented organizations at the convention. The picture is from lunchtime on day 2, so we missed a few members.

In the months since CitizenCon, Sol Armada has been hosting events each new patch, riding the waves of hype that CIG has been giving the Star Citizen community about 4.0 and beyond. We have a lot to look forward to, including cooperation with other organizations. As the game evolves, the org’s activity set and structure evolves with it.